Sunday, March 09, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

Just one simple statement about the opportunity to "spring forward" at this time of the year.

I love Daylight Savings Time!!!

Can I get a witness?


Aimee Ashley Myers said...

I like it too, but my 13 month old is not so sure about it... he doesn't think he should have to go to bed when it is just barely dark...

Unknown said...

I think they get old enough to stay up later before they stop protesting that. Andrew's a bit confused but Christopher seems fine with it. (But then that's also the difference in their personalities).

Wendy said...

I don't think I LOVE daylight savings. I'm digging the sun being out when I go home, but I don't dig it being completely dark when I'm waking up. Not to mention the fact that at a week later, I still don't think I've adjusted to getting up earlier.

I sort of feel bad for bursting your bubble. Feel free to be in your bubble.