Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Best Name for a Coffee

It's 6:00 AM and I'm about have some Seattle's Best Breakfast Blend. It's good stuff. There are a lot of good coffees out there these days. I pity my grandparent's generation and the coffee selection they probably had. The only thing they had over what we use now was the percolator (although you can still get them and I have been tempted to buy one). Percolator's make great coffee, and the noise they make while percolating is neat too. (It's also fun to say "percolator"). But anyhow, aside from the blends and techniques of brewing coffee, there are a lot of exotic names, but the best name for any coffee, especially in the morning is Millstone's Foglifter.®
It's not fancy or exotic, but in the morning, there is something psychologically appealing to a coffee called Foglifter.® And they must also know it's a good name because they have it as a registered trademark. OK, time for some joe.

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