Monday, March 03, 2008

Another thought on Rusty Hardin

A while back I posted regarding the high profile attorney, Rusty Hardin. The selfish side of me has sort of wished he wasn't so high profile. See, I went by Rusty up through part of college, so any old friends who choose to "google" me will find him. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I suspect I don't have too many old friends looking for me, but I'm sort of a nostalgic fellow, so I'd hate to think someone who might be looking for me couldn't find me. Then it occurred to me that thanks to Roger Clemons, and others over the past few years, people are probably reminded of me every so often which I hope is a good thing. And besides, now that I've posted about Rusty myself, I'm starting to get people hitting my site who are likely looking for him. I suppose it all equals out.

Side note: I love Google Analytics. It allows me to see lots of data on who is hitting myself and where they are when they do so. It doesn't tell me who exactly is hitting it though....the ACLU may have a problem with that. (I would too!)

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