Friday, March 07, 2008

School Project

So my second grader was required to create a poster of a notable figure for Black History month. After giving him a few different choices, true to his form, he chose Tony Dungy. I was actually very pleased with this choice for a few reasons. First, he's a football player/coach which is cool. Second, he is a leader with great character and standards. And third, he's a Christian who is not ashamed to share his faith when anyone who will listen. Coach Dungy is soft spoken and with integrity. He is well-liked with his players and appears to have a great gift for leadership. He has recently written a book, Quiet Strength, that will be on my short list of "next reads."

Anyhow, working on a school project with a second grader is a challenge in itself. And this is not his fault, but I think it has to do with his parents, or more specifically his dad. The teacher asks us to name three accomplishments, three goals, three interesting facts as well as the basics such as where he was born, etc. I suppose things are different now than 30 years ago when I was roughly his age. (OK, 33 years ago to be exact!). We didn't run off to the library. we didn't even have to dial in to the internet. We just opened my laptop and began "googling." Ahhh, life gets easy in some aspects. So despite having the wireless and multiple computers in the house, I, er, I mean, we had to track down all of this information. This isn't easy. I had to find three of his goals. I don't know if I can find three of MY goals! I, er, I mean, we checked a number of websites. One of the websites had the writer saying that Tony's goals was to get the most out of his players. That seemed good. We struggled to find the second goal when I came across a quote from Tony where he essentially said we shouldn't get caught up in goals but should focus on purpose. For Tony, it was to Glorify God in everything he does. What a great goal! So we added it. Now I knew I, er, we, were really stuck. He admits there is too much emphasis on goals. So after thinking about this for a while, we eventually settled on one he has obtained already as a player and a coach, which was winning a Super Bowl. Well, this seemed to suffice, since I got, er...I mean, well Chris got an "A!"

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a wonderful story on his 8th birthday! Tell him Happy Birthday, great job, and a hug from 'snow bound' Cincy.

I don't know if I told you that I worked with Tony Dungy's sister at UC! She's a high-risk OB physician.
