Friday, May 30, 2008

Pair o' Dime Props: Back Creek Christian Academy (ACSI)

Today was my oldest son's last day of his first year at Back Creek Christian Academy. He finished second grade and we were proud of how we did. This school, it's mission and it's staff have been nothing but respectful and loving to the students and parents they serve. From the moment we met their principal, Janet Ballard, to Christopher's last day in Mrs. Roundtree's 2nd grade class, we have felt well-served by this school. Next year we have the privilege of sending both of our sons here.
On a similar note, I was looking at the results of our son's achievement tests for the year and noticed that they have percentile scores related to the national average as well as the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) average. This was interesting to me because the percentile scores are lower within ACSI. What this says is that ACSI students perform better than the national average. This is NOT the primary reason we send our son to a Christian school, but it is encouraging to know that he can be challenged by the curriculum in an ACSI accredited school.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

More advice for job hunters

I am currently reviewing aplications for a specific job at my university. In a previous post I have offered up tips primarily on interviewing. Today I have a few more along the lines of applications and cover letters:
  • Avoid typos on the name field of your application
  • When applying for a job in academe, do not mention your desire to work for the "company."
  • In the first sentence of your cover letter, you may want refrain from fragments.
  • Never overestimate your writing skills. Proofreading is highly recommended.
  • Reading generic cover letters is sort of like eating fat free cheese.
  • Not having a cover letter is like eating air.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Song of Praise (and Conviction)

There is one song we sing at church that I absolutely love and yet it stops me in my tracks every time I sing it. I would think that anyone who is a Christian and is used to self-examining will sing the song "Everyday" and either be incredibly challenged or if they're like me, feel a little bit like a hypocrite while singing it. I love singing it because it's a challenge that will last my lifetime.


What to say, Lord? It's
You who gave me life and I
Can't explain just how
Much You mean to me now
That You have saved me, Lord
I give all that I am to You
That everyday I can
Be a light that shines Your name

Everyday, Lord, I'll
Learn to stand upon Your word
And I pray that I
That I might come to know You more
That You would guide me with every single step I take, that
Everyday I can
Be Your light unto the world

Everyday, it's You I live for
Everyday, I'll follow after You
Everyday, I'll walk with You, my Lord

It's You I live for, everyday
It's You I live for, everyday
It's You I live for, everyday
It's You I live for, everyday

Burning Question: Is Franklin Graham correct in this recent statement?

This morning I read an article in the Charlotte Observer entitled "Graham discourages 'illegal' evangelizing in China." Although I can't say I agree with Franklin Graham's statement, I think I might be able to understand why he may have made it. Considering he has been invited there and not censored in what he said, I think it would be tough for him to officially encourage "illegal evangelism." However, I think it may have been best if he didn't say anything. As a leader, and in my opinion, an "elder" of the church, I cannot think of any circumstances where it would be wise for him to tell people not to share the Gospel

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Theology of a Child

Lately I've been getting a kick out of things my kids have been saying. The latest one was my five year old telling me that you have to accept Jesus as Savior or you will go to "hail." Now, I suppose if I grew up in North Carolina that wouldn't seem as funny, but I'm from Ohio. We don't pronounce it that way.

After he said this we asked him if he had accepted Jesus, and he told us he had...three times! I think I need to work a little more on his theology, but we're on the right track.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Bright(er) Side: Gas Prices

I just "googled" what the price of gas prices are around the world. I found this site, and it appears we are still relatively "cheap" when it comes to the cost of fuel. Of course the down side is that our mass transit is so poor, that it's still hitting us pretty hard.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sentences that cause parents fear and trembling

Spoken excitedly and happily, by my five year old on the way home from church:

"Hey! In 13 years I will be old enough to go to jail!"

I am very afraid!

Sentences that require little (or no) justification

Overheard in the break room near my office this week:

"I had the worst teacher in 3rd grade! And dern it if I didn't get her again in sixth!"

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A True Paradigm Shift

So today I started looking at my new laptop. It's an Apple MacBook Pro. I have learned from the few minutes I have given to it that I am getting old. I can feel my brain working double time to relearn the Mac OS. The last time I worked on a Mac was over ten years ago. The operating system seems to have a completely different approach from the windows environments I've worked in since then. When I switched to Firefox a while back, it took me a while to learn how to use it well and unlearn Internet Explorer. I highly recommend the switch though. I suspect learning this operating system and it's applications will be similar but to a much higher degree. Unfortunately, just trying to adjust reminds me of my age. I never understood why old people didn't like change. Now that I am one (WINK!), I understand. I hope the smoke coming out of my ears won't set off the fire's quite the tax.

(Oh, and I'm doing this in small doses. I posted this on my Microsoft Machine)