Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Burning Question(s): Passing on the right*

When traveling on the highway, I'm a firm believer that you should only pass on the left.* Now I know of one other person who believes you should NEVER pass on the right*, but I think there are some times when it becomes acceptable. So the question is when is it acceptable to pass on the right?* When there is room in front of you in the right lane*, but someone in the left lane* is going at or below the speed limit. When you are traveling in the left lane* faster than the car in front of you and they are not getting over to allow you to pass despite there being plenty of room for them to do so? If this is acceptable, then how long do you wait? Is it acceptable if your wife is pregnant or your son has just fallen face first onto the cement and you have to rush him to the hospital? What are the scenarios that are acceptable? Please! Somebody help!!

*For those of you unfortunate enough to live and drive in countries such as England who actually drive on the left side of the road, please substitute left for right and right for left in the above post. I'd hate to confuse you. :-)

1 comment:

Aimee Ashley Myers said...

Well, you know the state in which I have resided for my entire life, so I will readily admit that I probably pass on the right way more often than I should. To be honest, though, I don't usually do it unless someone is driving way under the speed limit and just will not get over...
On a sidenote, I read your post a little to quick and substituted AND where it said OR in the sentence where it says...your wife is pregnant...
Whoa, I totally thought I missed something BIG!! That's what I get for reading too fast, I guess :)