Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Signs of Spring at UNC Charlotte

Please answer the following questions:

A: American Robin
B:Brother Micah

1) Which of the above sightings is the best indication that Spring is in the Air at UNC Charlotte?

2) Which of the above is the best indication of God's creation as well as his provision and love for mankind?

Key: 1-B, 2-A (Ironic isn't it?)

Just yesterday morning, I mentioned to my student worker that with the weather turning nicer, it was about time for the campus preachers to hit the university. Sure enough, one was out at the Belk Tower (our free speech zone) "hollerin'" at the students later that day. Not only do these preachers use R-rated name calling to try to arouse the ire of college students, but they seem to show absolutely no love for the ones they accuse. They are a source of entertainment for the students who only seem to laugh along while they spout "half-truths" about what the Bible says. When I hear them, I find it amusing and sad all at the same time. Except for one, they all seem to be in it for the show. They love the negative attention.

Now the one I like, he's a different story. He will go into the zone and essentially recite scripture. And the verses he recites are not all doom and gloom. He doesn't engage in dialog/arguments while up on the area around the tower, he just declares scripture. Not the technique I would choose, but I commend him for how he does it. When he is taking a break from his recitation, you will see him standing close to one person and sharing with them, or talking to them quietly. He seems to show the students a genuine respect and compassion. His motives seem true.

Now the American Robin, well, the real sign of spring for many of us can also remind us of the many wonderful creatures God created. And not only that, consider the following verse:
"Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!"
-Luke 12:24 (You can read the whole chapter for complete context)

Perhaps this is a good verse for those preaching at the tower to begin their dialog.

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