Friday, February 22, 2008

The ideal morning

This is something I've really come to relish. Of course, any High School and College friends who had to wake me up at lunchtime to go do something won't believe me, but this is what I've become in my old age. I love my mornings! Especially if they look like this:

I wake up somewhere between 5 and 5:30 AM when the house is cold and completely silent (since the only snorer is now awake). This is without an alarm clock, which is one of the reasons I like it so much. It's just me wanting to start my day. It was never like that as a kid. Twelve hours of sleep, from past midnight until that time the next day was my ideal morning. (Boy I wasted a lot of time!). Anyhow, the house is cold enough that I need to put on sweats and a hoodie.

Then I go downstairs and brew some quality coffee. Sorry, Folgers and Maxwell House, this isn't or you. You can blame Gevalia for making me a coffee snob, but it's part of my morning package to have good coffee.

After the coffee is made, it's just me, the mug, and God. Spending some time in prayer and in scripture is something I think I honestly haven't enjoyed in the past nearly as much as I have the last few months. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it for as long as I've done it, but lately, there is an additional richness to this time, and it doesn't have to do with the coffee. After this, I usually continue in the quiet with another Christian book, (which is usually linked on the left side of this blog). It's a great start to the day.

After waking up the family, if I have a few minutes, I will read something else a little lighter. but then it's time to roll. I guess you may wonder why i'm sharing this. Well, I guess age has mellowed me enough to share the simple pleasures that I refused to enjoy when I was younger. And lately I'm enjoying it so much it just seemdd wrong to keep it to myself. If you haven't tried spending this time alone with God, I highly recommended it!

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