Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another thought regarding public preaching

It occurred to me this morning, that my opinion stated below sounds more like a broad stroke than what it actually is. My wife and I both took part in Open Air Preaching while in Birmingham and Bradford, England. My wife even got to see some make decisions for Christ through this method (and the follow-up conversations that occurred afterwards). I have no problem with public preaching, and I'm sure some campus preachers can bring people to a point of decision as well. I believe the general distinction is that if these occurrences are done by speaking the Truth lovingly and truly loving those who are listening, then not only is there a better opportunity for the listener to understand and accept God's love for them personally, but people may realize the joy and peace that is evident in the one sharing the Gospel. I suspect that preachers who continue to harp on the negative consequences of someone who has yet to make the decision are less likely to show the love and grace that God so freely gives to us.

There. Hopefully that clarifies what was written previously.

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