Friday, January 04, 2008

Serious Social Issues for America

I don't know if people realize the impending ramifications the writer's strike will have on the American Public. From what I understand, it's getting to the point now where we may actually have no new shows for the second half of this television season. This is a major crisis! If the writers and producers cannot resolve this soon, their will be a major fall-off in television watching. What's worse? You've heard the adage, "An idle mind is the Devil's workshop." (This should probably be updated, to "An idle and television-deprived mind is the Devil's workshop.") With the additional free time of all of us television watchers, we may resort to socially unacceptable behavior. The cause and effect(s) of such behaviors are as follows:

  • Having non-trivial conversations with our family. (We may actually have to have a decent answer for "How was your day!!")
      • Back pain due to rearranging furniture so you can look at each other while talking instead of a blank TV screen.
      • We may actually have to listen to the ones we love!
  • Going to the gym
      • Increasing the health/wellness of the general public will cause strain on the health care and pharmaceutical industries.
      • People may increase their life expectancy which will cause additional strain on government programs and social security.
  • Take walks
      • Unnecessary wear on our sneakers and the shock of actually breathing fresh air from taking a walk.
      • (See health/wellness statement above)
  • Reading Books
      • Unnecessary knowledge (both fiction and non-fiction) that will occupy otherwise vacant spaces in our brains.
      • Additional financial strain due to the need to buy library cards and books.
  • Doing Homework
      • More Unnecessary knowledge that will occupy otherwise vacant spaces in our brains.
      • Higher achievement scores on standardized tests may cause admissions standards to increase significantly in universities around the nation
        • This will in turn cause the population to become higher skilled workers which will encourage more outsourcing of lower-skilled jobs.
  • Meeting friends for coffee
      • Friends? What are friends? You mean I have to go out and make friends? More effort!
  • Volunteering to do community service
      • More volunteers lead to less paying jobs which will negatively impact our economy.
      • Again, this is likely to cause people to inadvertently exercise. and I've already stated where that leads.
This list only scratches the surface so you can see, this is an issue! And the writers and producers need to resolve this soon!

The only saving grace is that we can STILL surf the web and read drivel like this! :-)


Starling said...

Says the man who liked chatting about House :)

You have a couple of great points, but I miss real (not "reality") TV!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love House. It's the one thing I will miss for sure.

I hope my points were more humorous than good. :-)