Saturday, April 26, 2008

What grieves God?

The opening point of last Sunday's sermon was this question. What I really liked about what my pastor said about this, was that he believes that a large portion of the western church has errantly condensed this to two things: The sanctity of human life (abortion) and the sanctity of marriage (between one man and on woman). I think this would cause many in the Christian Church to fall over backwards in their pews if they heard this! He did not say that these two things do NOT grieve God, but he did say that this is not ALL of it. Scriptures will back this up countless times. He spoke largely about injustice in the world. He mentioned Darfur, Rwanda, Ethiopia among others. He also spoke of the complacency of the (white) Christian Church during the Civil Rights Movement. These are things we cannot deny. He made many other points, but sometimes one good point is a challenge to me.

He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?
-Micah 6:8


Rob said...

I was going to leave a sarcastic comment about Kallum (sp.) pandering to the left but since you've got a scripture in there I better not!

Unknown said...

Nah...Kallam pandering would be putting his new blog in my links section. I will be doing that shortly. :-)