Tuesday, November 27, 2007

MED 0050: Remedial Surgery

Short Description:
This course is a requirement for all new med students who
  • make wrong turns after given simple instructions
  • suffer from vertigo
  • walk up down escalators
  • unknowingly wear shirts of the opposite gender
  • like to write backwards and then read it in a mirror
  • or who's elevator just doesn't get to the top floor, if you know what I mean.
To sharpen anatomical and directional skills, this entertaining and informative class will use activities such as:
  • Instructor-led exercises such as leg lifts, toe touches, or any other exercise that clearly identifies obvious body parts.
  • Instructor-led songs such as "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes," and "I have eyes that can see, see, see"
  • More advanced activities will be introduced later in the term and may include marching in time and in step and doing the Hokey-Pokey.*
Final exam will include the student extending both index fingers and with verbal instructions are able to successfully point which way is up and which was is down. Student will then be asked to extend thumbs as well and identify for the instructor which hand makes and "L" and verify that this is in fact their left hand.

*Those suffering from vertigo will be exempt from the "turn yourself around" bit.

I stumbled upon this story yesterday. I wonder if they Offer MED 0050 at Brown?
Imagine what things would be like with Government Run Healthcare!


Starling said...

*** It should be noted that all graduates of any program at Virginia Tech should be well-versed in the Hokie Pokey, having performed it at any athletic event (and, perhaps, graduation). VT grads will be given credit for this section of the course upon completion of a Hokie Pokey performance.

That will be all.

Unknown said...

So be it!

If ever I need surgery I may specifically ask for a surgeon who has graduated from VT.

Starling said...

Because the Hokie Pokey is, indeed, what it's all about ;)