Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pair o' Dime Props: Duke Energy!!

Well, for those who happen upon this blog who reside elsewhere, we are now in the middle of what I call "Carolina Winter." One of the reasons my family decided to move here has to do with the term "Nor'easter". Having 20+ inches of snow fall in your area 1-6 times a winter doesn't do much for Cabin fever. All you tend to do is sit inside and watch bird feeders. Well it seems in this area it happens six months later in the year and you tend to sit inside and watch the Weather Channel....and wait. I never thought I would be relieved to see a forecast saying "High in the low 90s." This is my third summer here but it is undoubtedly the hottest.

So to my friends at Duke energy I say, "Keep it Up." Most of my house is under 80 degrees thanks to your service.

1 comment:

Starling said...

Ugh. It's almost 100 here in the Valley today. I'm currently holed up in the one room that has air conditioning - and have been all day long.

Lucy and I are not amused by this. Where are the cooler mountain temperatures? It was snowing (okay, flurrying) when I was here in April!