Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Question of the Day: Teaching Double Standards

Short post today, but perhaps it will get me back in the posting groove.

My sons have discovered burping. Yeah, and here's the problem: When half of you read this, you said, "eww, gross!" while the other half of you either laughed, or said, "heh, cool!" Do you see the problem? Everyone would likely agree that in a public setting, and specifically in the company of ladies, this is intolerable! However, when it's the guys, it's cool. Moreover, the level of coolness is directly proportional to volume and length of the belch in the company of guys and conversly, the volume and length is inderectly proportional to the acceptability in mixed company. This is a bit of a stumbling block for me as a parent and I am appealing to you for help.

During little sibs weekend in college, I put upon myself the task of tackling this double standard with my future wife's brother. He was there for the weekend and at age 8 or thereabouts, he needed to understand the complexity of social relationships and I felt called to explain it. When Tina wasn't around, I would let out a good one and tell him it was cool, but then continued by letting him know that it wasn't cool when his sister was around. "Belching is cool when you're with the guys, but not with girls present." I worked hard. It was a mantra of sorts and by the end of the weekend, I think he was able to repeat it easily.* However, I must admit, I don't know if I have ever heard him produce a thunderous belch in the 18 years I've known him, so I believe I still have more to learn in teaching the subtelties of this double standard. Any help in this area was appreciated.

*Tony and Elaine. Thank you for your tacet forgiveness on this. :-)

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