Saturday, June 21, 2008

Technology isn't all it's cracked up to be

What with email, texting, wireless technology, text editors and DVRs, you'd think we were set, right? Well, I'm a little disappointed. Lately, I've been listening to my radio and when I miss something there isn't an option to rewind and listen to it again. Sheesh! Why is this the case. I have it on my VCR, DVD, DVR, CD and even old Cassette players. This is ridiculous!

Oh, and another thing. Why is it when I write in my journal in the morning and make a typo, there is no red line under the misspelled word? Intolerable!!!

There is no excuse for these things not being available. I'm entitled to this!

Once these minor advances take place, THEN I might be impressed. I'm looking forward to this. Oh, and when someone cuts me off while I'm driving, I really think I should be able to fire a red shell at them to knock them off the road. Then we'd really be getting somewhere!!!

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