Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like...summer!(?)

Well, the forecast says we will hit 81 today. Some of you might think I'm rubbing this in, but frankly, I would like a little cool crisp air. The Mrs. on the other hand loves it.

Looks like I'll be turning on the AC again tonight. I wonder if there is anything to this global warming thing?


Starling said...

Uh-oh...are you coming over to the dark side? Just kidding :)

We were joking yesterday that it felt as though we were getting out for summer break, not winter break. It's supposed to be nice and chilly this weekend, though.

Unknown said...

Well....I stopped short of saying that the Nobel Prize winner was right...I haven't seen the movie.

I'm about ready for Jack Frost to start nipping at my nose again. It's about 80 degrees in my office.

Aimee Ashley Myers said...

There's a ton of ice here making it treacherous to walk anywhere... hope that makes you feel better about your warm weather...