Friday, September 21, 2007

Pair o' Dime Props: New Jersey

Well, for unfortunate reasons I find myself back in the Garden State after being gone for about two and a half years. You know, New Jersey tends to get a bad rap, and even though I'm back for not-so-happy reasons, I got to hand it to this state. It's got a lot going for it. It's government representation isn't one of them, but there are things in Jersey that are worth noting as positive. So, here's to the upside of Jersey!

  1. The Food: Folks who've never had food in the Northeast for a prolonged amount of time, this is a place to go. If you think the Olive Garden is Italian, Little Ceasar's is Pizza, or Lender's is a bagel, haven't lived! If you spend any time here, you would see why some folks you meet from the Northeast scoff at the mention of Pizza Hut. Sure, you'll find them here, but really, after tasting the NJ fare, you know you're settling for at most second best with any of the above.
  2. Franchise Establishments: There are none...well...very few. Here's to mom and pop! You want independence and variety? Local foods, merchandise and services are everywhere. Yeah, there's Wal-Mart and other cursed establishments, but there are plenty of independent shops everywhere.
  3. The people: Yeah..the upside of what many consider gruff or rude. It's not rudeness. People are the same. Sure they may come across this way, but look deeper. What you get with people in New Jersey is a frankness you won't find anywhere else. I often tell the story about when we first moved here and it was 9:50 one night and we wanted a pizza. I called the place right up the street (next to the inevitable Chinese takeout and dry cleaner) and said, "Yes I was wondering what time you close," (Concerned that they may be annoyed at an order so close to 10) but on the other end I heard, "What do you want?" in a very short, blunt way. A closed mind would say he was being rude but really he was telling me that it was fine to go ahead and order. He wanted to accommodate my desire for pizza. (If you're wondering about the quality of the pizza look at the first bullet point). - (And on a personal note, our friends in New Jersey are incredible. By far it's what I miss the most about this state...if only I could get them all to move to North Carolina! I don't think that's unreasonable...most of New Jersey has already moved to Charlotte anyhow).
  4. And finally...the driving: Yes, you read that right. Driving in New Jersey is like a premium beer. Once you've acquired the taste for it, it's actually very good. If you know what a jughandle is, then you realize how efficient they can be when done right. When you want to go left, get in the right lane. It makes complete's the same thing we do on the interstate, As far as what to expect from the drivers themselves? Precision and aggression. Yeah, it's hard at first, but the rules are simple. Keep moving at all costs (short of hitting something) and respect each other's space on the road. And yes, people respect the space of other drivers; it's just that the definition of space for other drivers is approximately two feet longer than the length and width of your car. Honestly though, they want to hit you about as much as you want to hit them, so as long as you realize that they will get out of your way and you'll do the same for them, the roads are very efficient. Of course when lanes merge, you take turns! It is not an opportunity to cut someone off...let them in. You'll feel better about yourself if you do so. Driving in New Jersey is exhilarating! Since everyone is mutually aggressive on the roads, people stay sharp and alert. It's when you get lazy when driving that accidents occur. I think per capita, Jersey drivers may be the best in the states!!
So there it is. My unlikely toast to New Jersey. Do I want to move back here? No way! but it has it's merits!

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