Sunday, September 30, 2007

Contrast: Wonderful Creator vs. Fallen Man

For those wondering about the existence of a wonderful Creator, I would recommend a trip to the Beach. There's nothing like watching the sheer power of the ocean, the beauty of the moon shining on it at night or dolphins calmly swimming along the coastline at sunset. Such extremely wonderful things to behold, all given to us to do so!

For those of you wondering whether man is inherently good or evil may want to consider the countless cigarette butts, plastic wrappers and other litter along the beaches while looking at the wonderful creation in which we live. Or drive up and down the main drag at resort towns and notice all of the bars, clubs, strip joints and people that seem to be "lit up" at night.

Perhaps I'm close-minded, but I believe both are true and they are in stark contrast.

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