Monday, August 29, 2011

Ironies in Facebook

We "friend" people we might otherwise consider acquaintances, coworkers, etc.

We "like" things not because we really like them but because it might win us something.

We "poke" people....which we learned at an early age not to do.

Surely there are others...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Objectivism/Ayn Rand

Growing up I was a huge fan of Rush, (and still am a fan).  Consequently, it was cool to think Ayn Rand is cool.  Mainly because she had one novel that influenced the the writing of "2112."  I read that novel, which in and of itself was thought provoking.

Ayn Rand is best known for a Philosophy called Objectivism.  The summation of this philosphy, from an ethical point of view is characterized by a statement of one of her Characters in "Atlas Shrugged:"
"I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
While Ms. Rand may have influenced prominent people such as Alan Greenspan, I personally find this philosophy, or the creator of it a bit whacked.

You can find many interviews with her on youtube.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Making Out"

10 Year Old Son: "Dad, what is 'making out?'"
Dad: "Uh,'s when you kiss your wife multiple times."
Son: "Yeah, or someone you're in love with, right?"
Dad: "Uh...let's just leave it at 'wife.'"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

See if you can swim...

 This week I figuratively threw my sons in to the deep end.  Yesterday was their first day of 6th and 3rd grade, in a new school where they knew less than five people vaguely.  Today the 6th grader left for Windy Gap for a three day spiritual retreat with the middle school.

I'm very happy about their new school, while being both thrilled and petrified that they are gaining more independence through the process....especially the 6th grader.  Here he is leaving the parking lot this morning.  He's the one in the bus.  ;-)

Dare I dust this thing off?

Is it because I am neglectful or less egocentric that I haven't posted in a while?  You can decide in due time I suppose.  I'm seriously thinking about a full decommissioning of this blog or perhaps I lower my standards and post any and everything that comes to mind.  People can take or leave it.  I'm beginning to think the latter would be better.  Doing so will help me be less selective and allow the writing outlet I want.  Considering that it is implied that people take or leave blog entries, I shouldn't be so hard on myself and should just do it.

I suppose if I'm going to do this I should perhaps change the name of this blog too.