Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Statement for the Day

In my reading I came across this:

"God is no fonder of intellectual slackers than any other slackers." - C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

A good quote. It comes in the middle of some other statements essentially expressing that we should not be resting on our knowledge that God loves us and that we should be moved to action. Not only to better ourselves within the faith but also to serve those around us.

After 20+ years as a Christian, I have finally obtained a taste for C. S. Lewis. His writings are very intellectually challenging, but since they are driven by logic, they help in crystallizing some ideas about Christianity and apologetics. I think I have finally gotten patient enough to appreciate Lewis. I also suspect that many of the folks in the middle of the Bible Belt might find him too liberal but so far in my readings, he seems to be very well balanced in his opinions.

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