Sunday, January 28, 2007

Training is over and tomorrow is the big day!

Well, I went through three days of intensive training. Eight hours during the day and an additional 3-5 hours of homework at night. My "final exam" that the trainers give (Not PMI) went frightenly well. Perhaps it's premature to recommend the training organization, but props go out to Velociteach. I think I'm prepared, but there is only one way of knowing and that doesn't happen until tomorrow morning.

Another thing that I need to add here is this: My wife is awesome! While away, she took care of everything around the house and even had the added bonus of two sick children. My youngest had a cold and was out of school early in the week and then my oldest got sick on Thursday night. So, while taking care of runny noses and 101 degree temps, she had no support from me since I was away. She even had the energy to give me encouragement over the phone when I called in the evening. What's more, on Thursday, I started feeling dreadful myself, so now she's taking care of me as I continue to try to study while being sick. Thanks Tina! I love you!

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